Creating Confidence
Perfect for individuals wanting to tackle imposter syndrome and regain their confidence or individuals who want to understand why they feel the way the do and use the tools and techniques to tackle self-doubt for good.
Designed for anyone wanting to understand why we lack self-confidence and suffer from insecurity, self-doubt and fear of failure that cause anxiety and stress. The creating confidence workshop helps you identify why you feel the way you do and gives you various tools and techniques to create greater self-confidence and be the person you have always dreamed of being.
Greater self-confidence allows you to experience freedom from self-doubt and negative thoughts about yourself, experiencing more fearlessness and less anxiety. Greater confidence makes you more willing to take intelligent risks and move outside your comfort zone, having greater freedom from social fear.
We'll be covering:
The Cause
Great Expectations
Time For Change
Finding Your Superpower
This workshop can be delivered as 1:1 or 1:many, physically or virtually.