Clearing the Chaos
Perfect for individuals or organisations who struggle to set clear priorities and key objectives or individuals or organisations who spend too much time procrastinating and not delivering.
Designed and created for individuals who want to clear out the chaos and cut through the areas of their work and life holding them back from achieving their goals.
Utilising different methods and principles, the workshop will help you get clarity on your goals and critical objectives (personal and professional), set clear priorities and get important tasks completed quickly and efficiently.
The workshop combines several theories and principles, along with some practical exercises that you can do to take back control of your time, achieve your goals and create more time to do the things you love.
We'll be covering:
Getting clarity on your goals and key objectives
Methods and principles to set clear priorities
How to stop procrastinating and start executing
This workshop can be delivered as 1:1 or 1:many, physically or virtually.